Message of Secretary 

Sustainable city is raised from developmental process which provides the mentality and possibility for permanent promotion of social, economic, ecologic health of city and region and transfer such mentality and possibility to reality and action. During recent years, the sustainable development especially in cities is considered more by scientific societies which are raised at two levels of macro and micro. The quality of human life has direct connection with his environmental conditions, and since many people are living in cities which is the place of establishing most social, economic and cultural connections. Environmental crisis, energy, air pollution, sound pollution, and traffic are parts of factors which can change the human life. Having reviewed the history of world civilization, we will reach to the point that development in its primary meaning is hidden as a inner need in humans' creature.  First time the word "Sustainable Development" was discussed officially by global commission on environment in 1986 and in the middle of the 1990s was formed this way that the economic growth and social development should be in a way that do not deficit the environmental capitals and the developmental needs for future generation. Management of urban affairs at current conditions is a difficult task which has no end. In this regard, for reaching sustainable urban setting and improving the quality of human life, it seems necessary that all governmental organs including parliament, companies and knowledge bases organizations to cooperate. Nowadays urban affairs does not mean executing definite pattern or plan while it means preparing and arranging several supervising regulations and using them. These regulations are arranged according to current status and depend on form and amount of general cooperation, new and unpredicted factors. At the end, it is necessary to identify understand the different changes which are occurring in the city and environment as targeted. Since if the urban and environmental changes are not understood, and a proper strategy is not arranged for governing them, it will be transferred to basic threat for today and future generation. While if after recognizing such changes, proper strategy is arranged and related policies are designed, the policing tools are defined and the executive axis are recognized according to current status and conditions as mentioned above, we will see establishment of sustainable, dynamic, effective and abiding urban development and environment focused on Transcendent Man.

The motto of 10th.International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development is urban development toward future development and is an opportunity for the gathering of pundits, experts and thinkers in civil, architecture, environment, and urban development and sustainable urban development.  Holding this conference, provides the possibility of exchanging ideas and a scientific relation with state and global universities and specialty centers about common interdisciplinary concepts. In this regard the secretariat of 10th.International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development invites all specialists, experts, students, researchers and scientists at scientific, research and industrial centers to participate in diverse programs of this conference at this international important event and provides the possibility for reaching to above aims upon submitting their latest scientific and executive achievements. We ask the almighty to grant more serving prosperity to our beloved country, Iran.



Eng. Farhad Alizadeh Afshar

Congress Secretary

Important Dates



4th Congress Gallery


3rd Congress Gallery

1st & 2nd Congress Gallery